Our history

Camp for displaced people under the protection of ICRC, Nyarushishi. Rwanda genocide, 1994
Credit: Thierry Gassmann / ICRC

Our History

ALNAP was established in 1997, as part of the humanitarian community’s response to the Joint Evaluation of Emergency Assistance to Rwanda, following the country’s 1994 genocide.

The sense was that the system had failed in its response to that crisis. It was clear more rigour was needed when evaluating what worked and what did not, with better communication of learning and practice.

Created to establish a system-wide mechanism to generate evidence, ALNAP works to bring people together to learn, and to find collective ways to improve humanitarian action.

For more than 25 years since, we have sought to improve the quality, availability and use of knowledge, learning and evaluative evidence from humanitarian responses, and to continually assess the performance of the humanitarian system.

Our membership of more than 100 organisations has grown and now represents the full diversity of the formal humanitarian sector.

Timeline of key crises and events

1997 - ALNAP established

1997 - The SPHERE project established

1997 - UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement established

2004 - Darfur crisis begins

2004 - Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami

2005 - Cash transfer programming used on a small scale in Aceh, Indonesia

2005 - Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) launched

2005 - Responsibility to Protect (R2P) principle adopted

2005 - Humanitarian Cluster System activated for the first time

2006 - TEC Synthesis Report recommends increased local ownership and accountability in responses

2008 - Cyclone Nargis hits The Philippines

2009 - Gaza crisis begins

2009 - Cash and Learning Partnership (C&LP) officially launched

2010 - Mobile technology widely used in humanitarian responses

2010 - The first State of the Humanitarian System (SOHS) report launched

2010 - Haiti earthquake

2013 - Core Humanitarian Standard launched

2013 - Several severe emergencies trigger international responses, e.g. Syria, The Philippines & The Central African Republic

2015 - Over 1 million refugees & migrants arrive in Europe

2015 - ALNAP hosts The Global Forum

2020 - Coronavirus global pandemic breaks out

2021 - Accelerated climate crisis exacerbates humanitarian emergencies

2022 - Ukraine crisis begins

2022 - Vast majority of humanitarian needs are now prolonged crises, e.g. Syria, Yemen, the DRC & Afghanistan

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