
Improving humanitarian action: Learning for the future | ALNAP Documentary film

In this documentary film, humanitarians from across the world offer fresh, deep insight on current crises and how we can better work together as a sector to improve future responses.

Featuring interviews with AIDMI, the DEC, the Norwegian Refugee Council and SEEDS India, Improving humanitarian action: Learning for the future explores what the future of humanitarian aid might look like, what we can learn from different crises together and how ALNAP can help the sector chart a way forward.

The film has been released on Thursday, 29th February, on the #DayForLearning, as part of ALNAP's With learning comes change initiative.

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ALNAP would like to thank all our members, contributors and collaborators who worked with us on the film:

Our contributors

  • Eric Kabera and team at the Kwetu Film Institute
  • Jan Egeland, Leena Nassar and teams at the NRC
  • Nada, Zaatari Refugee Camp resident
  • Dr. Manu Gupta and team at SEEDs
  • Mihir Bhatt and team at AIDMI
  • Madara Hettiarachchi and team at the DEC

Our collaborators

  • Sarah Filbey, freelance project manager/producer
  • Fat Rats Films, production company

With thanks to the staff at Kigali Memorial Centre and to members of the community at Kabartal Wetland for allowing us to film.