The HELP library submission guideline
The HELP library hosts evidence and learning around what works and what doesn’t work in humanitarian action, in the form of the following four resource types:
- Evaluations and Lessons Learned
- Guidance and Tools
- Research and Studies
- Commentaries
Resource formats hosted on the HELP range from long reads, webinar recordings and videos, podcasts, presentations, data visualisations to short reads.
The list below provides more details on which specific resource types are considered in or out of scope of the HELP Library.
- After action reviews, programme and project reviews, rapid learning reviews
- Evaluations (final papers only + annexes)
- Humanitarian standards
- Open-access journal articles and academic books
- Syntheses and evidence summaries
- Opinion-pieces / think-pieces produced by individuals or organisations (that substantively analyse what is being done well / less well in a response or in the sector more broadly, or that provoke new/innovative ways of thinking)
- Reports on global trends in humanitarian action
- Tools & guidance, including manuals, handbooks, guidelines, etc.
- Annual reports
- Evaluation-related TORs*, inception reports, baseline surveys
- Feasibility studies/risk analyses
- Funding proposals
- Media/news articles
- Needs assessments
- Open letters and other forms of advocacy content
- Press releases / news articles released by humanitarian organisations
- Rapid analyses, e.g. rapid gender analysis
- Sitreps
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Strategy (country-level or operational)
- Websites