Our membership
ALNAP's members are our greatest asset. They include national and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs), United Nations agencies, Red Cross/Crescent Movement members, bilateral and multilateral donor organisations, networks, academics and think tanks.
Through their support and input, ALNAP has become a key part of the global humanitarian architecture.
Our governance
Hosting Arrangements with ODI
ODI, an independent global think tank, hosts and maintains legal responsibility for the ALNAP Secretariat.
ODI provides ALNAP with a suitable location from which to serve its diverse Membership and the institutional support of an established organisation.
Although the ALNAP Secretariat is part of ODI, the ALNAP Steering Committee and the ALNAP Membership retain separate and distinct identities and are independent from all ODI processes and structures. The ALNAP work plan is determined by the ALNAP Steering Committee and Membership.
Our Steering Committee
ALNAP’s Steering Committee is our key decision-making body, determining the direction and development of ALNAP in accordance with the views and priorities of the different constituent groups in our membership. Its decisions are therefore informed by the priorities of ALNAP's full members.
Our Steering Committee is composed of eight full member representatives, plus the chair. The Committee members represent the different constituencies and types of organisation that make up the formal humanitarian sector and the ALNAP membership: two representatives each from the donor, United Nations agencies and NGO constituencies, and one representative each from the Red Cross and Crescent Movement and academia/research institutes.
The Committee meets three times a year and members are elected by their respective constituencies to join for a two-year period.
Its specific functions include but are not limited to:
- To provide advice and support in the development of the ALNAP strategy and monitor its implementation
- To organise and consult with the relevant constituency groups and provide constructive feedback on the draft ALNAP annual work plans
- To approve final ALNAP annual work plans, budgets, expenditure and strategies and policies.
- Hesham Youssef, chair of the Steering Committee
- Anneclaire Luzot, World Food Programme (WFP)
- Elizabeth Bellardo, USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance
- Heng Aik Cheng, MERCY Malaysia
- Karin Wendt, HERE Geneva
- Pascal Richard, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
- Richard Cewers, Swedish Red Cross
- Simone di Vicenz, Christian Aid
- Robin Ellis, UNHCR
"In identifying these learning challenges [in the humanitarian system] and addressing them systematically, ALNAP demonstrates its unique value to the sector. It has a laser focus on the critical importance of collective learning and provides a vital collaborative space for reflection and assessment."
Hesham Youssef - ALNAP Chair