Evaluations and Lessons Learned

A Mid-Term Evaluation of WFP’s USDA McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program’s Support (2013-2015) in Kenya from September 2013 to December 2014

The external mid-term evaluation of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) McGovern Dole (MGD)-supported World Food Program (WFP) School Feeding Program (SFP) in Kenya covers the period from September 2013 to December 2014.

The Evaluation was designed to: 1. Assess performance against agreed targets and determine successes, challenges and areas that need improvement based on evaluation questions; 2. Determine factors that have affected the achievement of results, drawing lessons and best practices; 3. Outline how the lessons could be applied to inform future interventions; and 4.identify changes required to enable achievement of set program objectives and targets within the set timeframes.

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