Research and Studies

Action Against Hunger International: Global Performance Report 2020

In 2020, Action Against Hunger continued to provide effective assistance to affected populations around the world. They operated in 46 countries, delivering assistance in the sectors of nutrition; health; water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH); food security and livelihoods (FSL); disaster risk reduction (DRR); and mental health and care practices. Since 2015, they have been monitoring the indicators of our International Strategic Plan 2016-2020 to reach our intended targets: to reduce mortality in children under five years old, to reduce the prevalence of chronic and acute undernutrition, to increase coverage of programmes to treat severe acute undernutrition, to cover unmet needs within the scope of Action Against Hunger expertise during emergencies, and to improve programmes and strategies on undernutrition. 2020 marked the final year of the plan and a time to reflect on the achievements of key departments across the organisation.

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