Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Adapting to an Urban World - Lessons Learned, Gaps and Priorities (2016)

Adapting to an urban world 2016 stock taking png

In 2014, the Adapting to an Urban World project was developed in order to modify assessment methods and tools for urban contexts. The project is co-led by the global Food Security Cluster and the World Food Programme, supported by a Steering Committee made up of cluster partners.

By 2016, with a completed desk review and 5 country case studies, the project has compiled a variety of lessons and recommendations.

A stock taking exercise has been conducted to consolidate the lessons and to identify gaps and priorities. These have been organised by technical area, and resulted in a number of priority action points.

This document is intended for humanitarian practitioners engaged in urban assessments, researchers working on urban specific issues, and donors developing or refining urban strategies.

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