AFSUN Policy Brief: Cape Town

Afsun policy briefs cape town%2C 26 may 2009 png

The Urban Food Security Baseline Survey in Cape Town sampled 1060 households in three areas of the city: Ocean View, Ward 34 (Philippi) and Ward 95 (Khayelitsha). Fortyfour percent of households fell below the 2001 Census’s poverty line of R1600 per month. A further 26% fell below the R2600 per month indigent line set by the City of Cape Town (70% in total). Forty-two percent of households were female-centred. There was considerable range in terms of housing type, with 8% living in shacks in Ocean View, compared with 64% in Ward 95. However, the proportion of households accessing pensions, child-support or other grants was similar across all sites (mean – 42%). Finally, almost half of the surveyed population (46%) identified themselves as not working, but looking.

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