Evaluations and Lessons Learned

An Evaluation of the Impact of the Logistics Cluster Training Programme: Humanitarian Response to Tropical Cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Mozambique 2019

Since the creation of the Cluster Approach, the importance of having well-trained personnel both at the global and field-level has been recognized and continuously re-emphasized. The following pages will highlight how the Global Logistics Cluster (GLC) Training Programme, with the generous support of the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) funding, seems to have played an important role in improving overall emergency response.

Based on the Inter-Agency Standing Committee ( IASC) Guidelines on the Cluster Approach, one of the key pillars of the GLC strategy is to strengthen the ability of humanitarian actors to meet humanitarian needs vis-à-vis supply chain challenges. To achieve this, the GLC commits significant time and resources to the Global Logistics Cluster Training Programme.

This evaluation report seeks to determine the impact of the GLC Training Programme on the humanitarian logistics community by conducting a Level Four Evaluation based on the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Framework. This evaluation aims to measure and describe the impact that the Training Programme had on the humanitarian operations in response to Tropical Cyclones Idai and Kenneth, which hit Mozambique in 2019. Based on the findings, the Training Programme has made a positive contribution to the overall emergency response in the following five key areas:

  1. Participants of the Logistics Cluster trainings are familiarized with tools and procedures in advance of an emergency
  2. Networks are developed in advance and lead to better engagement with the Logistics Cluster
  3. Participants are familiarized with the challenges and learn how to prioritize critical activities
  4. Participants are able to prepare operational plans
  5. Participants are prepared to work under stress and pressure

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