Research and Studies

Assessment of communication, community engagement and accountability in Sudan

Stemming from decades of political and economic instability, conflict and natural disasters, Sudan is currently experiencing a multi-faceted crisis. An estimated 14.3 million people – 30% of the total population – will need humanitarian assistance in 2022. The country is a major host country for refugees, and the 1.2 million refugees from neighbouring countries further challenge the humanitarian context. The Government of Sudan’s Humanitarian Aid Commission has been leading the humanitarian response with support from various local NGOs, UN agencies and INGOs.

Against this complex humanitarian context, the CDAC Network (with funding support from UNICEF) conducted an assessment between April and July 2021 on the status of response-wide communication, community engagement and accountability (CCEA) work with affected populations in Sudan. This report is based on consultations with 29 humanitarian and non-humanitarian actors in-country within Sudan.

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