This document outlines the framework agreement between localisation caucus members1 on how to monitor their funding to local and national actors (LNAs) and how to report this funding transparently. The application of the framework will improve the comparability of data on funding to LNAs and will enable the identification of the channels and volumes of funding reaching LNAs, both for individual donors/intermediaries and system-wide. As such it will promote increased individual and collective accountability to the commitment to reach the global, aggregate target of 25% of total humanitarian funding to LNAs as directly as possible (through up to one intermediary).
This framework focuses on the public reporting of data by donors and intermediary organisations. However, it recognises that a necessary pre-requisite for this to occur effectively is for these organisations to have sufficient internal data management processes to produce the data required for public reporting. For many donors and intermediaries such data management systems are not yet fully fit for purpose. Localisation caucus members agree to strengthen their internal systems to implement this framework. By endorsing this framework, caucuses members agree to:
- Measure funding to LNAs as what is channelled directly or via one intermediary (as per definitions previously agreed). Direct operational assistance by international organisations to target beneficiaries (without the involvement of local partners) in the form of cash delivery, inkind assistance or support costs spent by intermediaries for work in partnership/on localization does not constitute funding for localisation and should not be measured towards reaching the 25% goal.
- Report all funding to LNAs through publicly available platforms (FTS and/or IATI) and include all available information on provider, recipient organisation and location.
- Develop individual roadmaps for when and how the 25% target will be reached. The commitment to publish these will be given at the Annual Meeting in June 2023. The caucus co-chairs recommend that the roadmaps are published by the end of 2023. The roadmaps will include milestones on the road to reach the target either through direct support for LNAs or via one intermediary.