This 60min course provides an introduction to and step-by-step guidance on how to implement Client Responsiveness or Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP).
Humanitarians works in a range of contexts, which differ significantly from place to place and over time. However, there are a number of common principles and steps that we follow to ensure that we remain accountable and responsive to the people we serve in each unique context. In this course you will learn how to implement Client Responsiveness or AAP using existing guidance and tools developed by humanitarian organizations.
This course is for anyone involved in the design and implementation of programs. The primary target is program and technical staff as well as monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) staff. However, client responsiveness is a joint responsibility and all staff working in a country program will benefit from this course.
The course covers:
- What is Client Responsiveness or AAP
- What are the core terms related to Client Responsiveness or AAP
- How to create an enabling environment for Client Responsiveness or AAP
- What are the tools and processes we use to implement Client Responsiveness or AAP