This is the combined evaluation of the European Union's humanitadan response to the Venezuelan regional crisis and of DG ECHO's partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 12017 - 20211. The evaluation used evidence from project data, literature review, interviews, and remote/ in-country field missions. DG ECHO's response to the Venezuelan regional crisis was overall relevant and adapted to the context, coherent and complementary to that of other donors, generating EU added value. Despite numerous operational challenges and constraints, it was implemented effectively and efficiently. Progress in finding durable solutions to the crisis and operationalising the Triple Nexus was limited, despite efforts Recommendations focused on the regional approach, partner capacity and learning, advocacy and the sought for longerterm solutions. DG ECHO and UNHCR were overall aligned as regards their mandates, strategic priorities/objectives and approaches, despite some differences. The partnership had a positive impact on coordination at strategic level and the quality of humanitarian responses, but its impact on efficiency gains, coordination at field and sectoral level and cooperation towards the Nexus, was limited. Recommendations focused on mutual learning, links between the strategic and field levels, operational and crosscutting dialogues,and the operationalisation of the Nexus.