Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Country-Based Pooled Funds 2021 in Review

In 2021, the Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs, the Funds) allocated US$1.01 billion to effective humanitarian action in 20 different crises around the world. This was enabled by the highest ever level of contributions from Member States, international organizations and the private sector. In response to humanitarian crises, the Funds provided resources flexibly and efficiently to partners on the front lines of humanitarian action.

In 2021, significant progress was made to revise the CBPFs’ Global Guidelines, which shape the way the Funds work globally. The revision process was highly consultative - with input from CBPFs’ advisory bodies, the Pooled Fund Working Group (PWFG), the CBPFNGO dialogue, and the individual CBPF Advisory Boards - helping to ensure that the Funds continue to adapt to the evolving needs of partners and operating contexts.

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