This resource was originally published on the CartoBlog in 2020 by CartONG. It was transferred to the IM Resource Portal in May 2021. The CartoBlog will be decommissioned in early 2022.
The 3W (Who does What, Where) or 4W (Who does What, Where, When) maps are well-known maps in the development and humanitarian sector. They are often produced by coordination or governmental stakeholders on a national or provincial scale and they aim to provide a global view of development and humanitarian actors and/or projects in a given territory. Some organizations also turn to this type of maps for less operational purposes, such as better communicating about their projects in the field.
Considering their GIS expectations and capacities, such organizations usually use the QGIS software in the field. This is why the use of advanced labels and icon fonts as presented in this technical guidance guarantees an adapted workflow for CSOs/NGOs. The workflow is also explained with ArcGIS pro software for organizations which are already equipped.
This resource is composed of 2 distinct tutorials:
- A first tutorial that one can use to learn how to create an Icon Font using the IcoMoon App
- A second one that will help the reader create 3W maps with icon font using either QGIS or ArcGIS Pro
This publication is supported by the French Development Agency (AFD). Nevertheless, the ideas and opinions presented in this document do not necessarily represent those of AFD.