The Data Protection Starter Kit was jointly produced by Terre des hommes (Tdh) and CartONG and first published on the website (more information below). It was transferred to the IM Resource Portal in May 2021. Please note that the set of practical tutorials that had been produced at the time were not migrated as they require updating. For the French version, please check out this blog post.
In this blog post, you will find the Introduction Pack of the Data Protection Starter Kit produced for Tdh country operations in 2017. It aims to provide a first entrance point on the question of data protection for field staff who are involved in collecting or working with data that has been obtained directly from people or communities that Tdh is supporting with its programmes.
Introduction Pack
The Introduction pack is comprised of an overview document on the main issues concerning data protection as well as a basic self-assessment tool to increase awareness on data protection, identify possible threats, and to define actions to mitigate the risks.
The introduction pack is composed of the following tools and documentation:
1. The Tdh Data Protection Starter Guide
2. Data Protection Auto-Evaluation Tool
3. Auto-Evaluation Tool - Understanding "Risks", "Harms" and "Threats"
4. Data Protection Auto-Evaluation tool User Guide
The MDC Toolkit
What is it?
The MDC Toolkit was jointly produced by Terre des hommes (Tdh) and CartONG to help humanitarians and development actors use Mobile Data Collection (MDC) more efficiently in the field. It was originally set up as a website in 2017, and regularly updated, with all content accessible under a CC-BY-SA license to help increase the level of awareness and to help build capacity on this topic.
The MDC Toolkit is comprised of tutorials and training material concerning all phases of MDC, from thinking through the prerequisites of using MDC to the preparation of one's forms and tools and the analysis of one's data. This guidance was originally made by CartONG for Terre des hommes' staff but was shared "as-is" as it could be useful for other NGOs. A large percentage of the MDC documentation available was tool-agnostic (i.e. could be used with any ODK-related MDC tool), but when tools were mentioned it focused on the use of Kobo & ODK Collect, or SurveyCTO for more advanced MDC.
The existing MDC-toolkit website will be decommissioned in early 2022. Its full content has been transfered to the IM Resource Portal.
About CartONG and Terre des hommes
CartONG has been Terre des hommes' implementing partner on Mobile Data Collection and Information Management since 2013.