ELRHA requires that all grantees carefully consider uptake or diffusion as a critical part of their project. These guidelines have been developed to support grantees to design clear and achievable uptake or diffusion plans for their projects. These guidelines will also be useful for projects that will not usually make a separate uptake plan (for example, grantees under the HIF small grants facility), but will need to explicitly include uptake or diffusion in their project planning documents and their reporting. These guidelines are adapted from the Research Uptake Guidance written by DFID (the UK Department for International Development) in May 2013. These guidelines are for the use of teams funded by the R2HC (Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises) programme, and the HIF (Humanitarian Innovation Fund)1 . This document is complemented by ELRHA’s Uptake and Diffusion Strategy, which is available on ELRHA’s website. Most often, uptake is the term used for research projects and diffusion is used for innovation; in this document, the terms are used interchangeably.