India has the highest burden of tuberculosis (TB) and multi-drug resistant TB in the world with an estimated 2.6 million people with TB and 124,000 people with drug-resistant (DR-TB) or multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) in 2019. High population density, over-crowded housing and inadequate access to safe water all contribute to the city’s high TB burden. The MSF-OCB Mumbai Project aims to improve outcomes of patients with DRTB within targeted areas/facilities within Mumbai, India, working in collaboration with the Public Health Department of Greater Mumbai and the National TB programme. By providing DRTB patients with appropriate treatment and support, the project aimed to reduce DRTB-related mortality and morbidity. Through these interventions, the project ultimately aimed to demonstrate an effective and replicable model of care for DRTB patients which would influence relevant policies at national and global level, and thus achieve improved results for patients within and beyond the project area.