Research and Studies

Evaluation of UNICEF's Emergency Response

A Global Level Assessment

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The following document is an assessment of UNICEF’s Emergency Response capacity being conducted by the Evaluation and Research Office.

The first part is an attempt to integrate the concerns of those interviewed with conclusions and recommendations offered in previous evaluations - and in so doing merge the findings of the first two parts of the in-house review. The result is a document intended to help focus discussion on some of the management issues that require action and that may result in an improvement of UNICEF’s ability to deal with the complexity of emergency relief.

The second part is a review of selected literature on emergencies, a body of information which includes previous field evaluations of emergencies, various papers, and memos selected by different staff members that pertain to particular emergencies or issues under consideration. A full listing of sources consulted during this assessment is contained in a bibliography in the appendices.

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