Research and Studies

Exploring Coordination in Humanitarian Clusters

ALNAP study

Update exploring coordination in humanitarian clusters png

When a multitude of humanitarian actors are responding to a crisis, achieving effective coordination is an essential part of a successful humanitarian response. Sector-based Clusters are tasked with a multitude of activities, but what does ‘effective coordination’ mean for the humanitarian Clusters? And how do the Clusters achieve this success?

Using a spectrum of coordination, this study looks at these questions and at what is the right level of coordination for Clusters. It examines many factors that can contribute to achieving this level; from clear information management procedures, to trusting relationships and the role of the Cluster Lead Agency.

You can read a discussion starter of this report here, and find more resources on this topic here.

Watch the video of our launch event with Global Cluster Coordinator Graham Saunders, UNOCHA's Inter-Cluster Coordination Section Chief Loretta Hieber Girardet, Save the Children UK's Health Cluster Support Expert Gerbrand Alkema, and the report's authors Paul Knox Clarke and Leah Campbell.

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