Research and Studies

From macro to micro

HERE Role of 'Mandates' Study Central African Republic Report

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In order to lay part of the groundwork towards answering the broader questions of The Role of ‘Mandates’ Study, this report delves into some of the elements characterising the humanitarian response in the Central African Republic, from the angle of the particular experience of seven of the participating organisations. Organisations start from a macro-level analysis to set their priorities in CAR. Looking at their added value, they leverage their mission(s) and strategic priorities to inform their operational decisions. How they are able to fulfil their mission is however predominantly shaped by the contextual variables they are confronted with.

Humanitarian space is constantly negotiated at the micro-level, in the different localities. Each humanitarian organisation constantly needs to strike a careful balance between its identity – purpose/mission – and the expected impact of its work on a micro-level. How the organisations manage the challenges and tensions they are faced with on a daily basis places them closer to or further apart from their peers, informing at the same time their comparative advantages. Are they setting themselves up to manage the context?

While it may be easier to identify responses that fit with each specific context, organisations may fail to recognise the value of organisational flexibility, as an enabler to respond to more pressing needs in other locations. Such flexibility demands resources, be they financial or human, but also organisational investments towards a mindset ready to adjust along shifting parameters.

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