Research and Studies

Gender in Humanitarian Action - Nutrition

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This chapter explains how to integrate gender equality into nutrition programming. You can find information on why it is important to incorporate gender equality in nutrition programming as well as key standards and resources for future reference.

The chapter begins with an overall checklist which explains key actions for a nutrition programme which need to be carried out at each stage of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC). After this checklist, you can find more detail on how to undertake gender equality programming in each phase of the HPC. This includes practical information on how to carry out a gender analysis, how to use the gender analysis from the design through to implementation, monitoring and review and how to incorporate key approaches of coordination, participation, GBV prevention and mitigation, gender-adapted assistance and a transformative approach into each one of those phases. Relevant examples from the field are used to illustrate what this can look like in practice.

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