USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) commissioned this performance evaluation to focus on the results, key successes and learning from the response of BHA and its implementing partners (IPs) to the COVID-19 pandemic in humanitarian contexts. Specifically, this evaluation looked at response efforts supported by the $558 million COVID-19 supplemental funding distributed in fiscal year (FY) 2020. These supplemental funds were distributed through 178 awards to 62 IPs, across 40 countries, the Pacific Islands, and West Bank Gaza, and included global and macro awards (multi-country). These funds were distributed March to August 2020 by the legacy Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (L-OFDA) and legacy Office of Food for Peace (L-FFP), which transitioned to BHA during this period. This evaluation includes specific analysis of the following BHA sectors, listed here by percent of total funding: Nutrition and Food Assistance (NFA, 33%, mostly through L-FFP to World Food Program (WFP)); Health (25%); Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH, 21%); Protection (4%); Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA, 3%); Humanitarian Coordination and Information Management (HCIM, 2%); Economic Recovery and Market Systems (ERMS) and Agriculture and Food Security (AgFS, 1% for both).