Research and Studies

Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus Focus Area Note

The objectives of the State and Peacebuilding Fund (SPF) are to (i) improve governance and institutional performance in FCV-affected regions to boost resilience to internal and external stresses; and (ii) develop the socio-economic conditions that foster peaceful, stable, and sustainable development.

The SPF supports its objectives through the financing of activities that primarily support prevention and innovation across its five priority focus areas, while mainstreaming gender themes and ICT. Where urgent needs or opportunities to engage arise, SPF funding can bridge immediate or emerging needs in the supported focus areas and complement systematic development assistance.

The Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus focuses on the collaboration and integration of HDP actors in crisis and post crisis situations and establishing shared data and analysis platforms to better plan, coordinate, and anticipate humanitarian and development operations.

This note provides an overview of the objective and components of the Humanitarian-Development-Peace focus area supported by the SPF. The conceptualisation of the HDP focus area also benefited from inputs from the UN as well as bilateral organisations.

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