Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Humanitarian Education Accelerator Learning Synthesis 2022

Launched in 2016, the Humanitarian Education Accelerator (HEA) supports promising humanitarian education innovations to transition from successful pilots to programmes that can operate at scale, while documenting and disseminating learnings for stakeholders worldwide. HEA offers selected innovation teams a package of capacity building, external evaluations, mentorship and financial grants with a view to generating robust evidence about what works effectively when scaling innovative approaches to complex education challenges in humanitarian contexts.

This Learning Synthesis is part of a larger effort to contribute to global discussion and add to learning and knowledge around scaling humanitarian education innovations. Through reviewing and reflecting on the experience of the HEA and connecting it to system level perspectives, the Synthesis seeks to present lessons learnt, good practices and recommendations that can support the scaling of humanitarian education innovations. The recommendations formulated aim to be strategic and add value for education innovators and practitioners, as well as other stakeholders of the humanitarian system - especially donors - so that informed decisions can be made to invest in promising education innovations and accelerator programmes that support those innovations.

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