Guidance and Tools

IFRC Feedback Kit

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The IFRC Feedback Kit is Tool 15 in the CEA Toolkit and aims to support users to build and manage community feedback mechanisms. It does this by assembling all available resources across the six stages of the feedback cycle, and directing the user to those most relevant to a specific situation.


Module 1: Community feedback – why bother?

Module 2: Feedback essentials

Module 3: How to listen and respond to open community feedback

Module 4: How to use perception surveys in a feedback mechanism

Module 5: How to handle sensitive feedback

Feedback tools:

01: Tips for creating leadership buy-in

02: Determining the scale of a feedback mechanism

03: Defining the communication channels for a feedback mechanism

04: Deciding on how to document feedback data

05: Community feedback form

06: Kobo template

07: Community feedback logbook

08: Feedback mechanism design workshop package

09: Mapping the information flow

10: Mapping and agreeing on roles, responsibilities and resources

11: Feedback mechanism model budget

12: Community feedback training package

13: Sampling guidance (coming soon)

14: List of perception survey questions (coming soon)

15: Workshop agenda for designing a questionnaire

16: Quick FGD guide for testing questions

17: Checklist for designing perception surveys

18: Important skills for effective listening

19: Overview of different ways to code feedback data

20: How to code open feedback data

21: How to build or adapt a coding framework

22: Template coding framework and codebook

23: Example coding frameworks

24: Excel template graphs (coming soon)

25: Types and examples of data disaggregation

26: Example analytical framework for community feedback

27: Identifying the right format for the right audience

28: Formats for sharing community feedback

29: Key considerations for sharing feedback data

30: Inter-agency or inter-office sharing of feedback highlights

31: Developing an action plan for addressing community feedback

32: Community feedback action tracker

33: Steps to take when receiving sensitive feedback

34: Template for mapping out focal points and services

Resource collections