ADH commissioned this independent evaluation of ADH’s joint appeal in Yemen. The evaluation includes projects that started in 2021. In December 2022, Conflict Management Consulting (CMC) was selected in a competitive process to conduct the evaluation.
This independent evaluation seeks a) to specifically assess different possibilities and approaches how ADH MOs and their implementing partner organisations (IPs) can work in Yemen, and b) to identify recommendations on most effective risk management practices to better support the planning of future programmes and projects in Yemen and possibly for civil war-like and fragile contexts more broadly.
The eight participating ADH member organisations included in this evaluation have different experiences in Yemen, but most have been supporting the people in Yemen for several years already. As of today, the organisations continued providing humanitarian assistance, focusing on food security and health with supporting measures related to disease control and prevention or distributing essential drugs to health care centres. The operating environment, however, remains restricted and is characterized by challenges of humanitarian access and insecurity for all humanitarian actors.