The Guidance Note has been developed over the last two years; involving an extensive process, funded by an inter-agency group (IOM, NRC, UNDP, UN-Habitat, UNHCR, and UN Women) and closely involving the wider HLP AoR membership. Many thanks to all those who have participated and dedicated time to taking part in related discussions; and then writing and reviewing drafts; particularly to IOM for leading much of the process. Integrating HLP into all phases of planning With a variety of global responses to crises, as a result of conflict or disaster, it is particularly timely to consider the relevance of how people can access and secure a home free from the fear of forced eviction which offers shelter, safety and the ability to access a livelihood. This is relevant at all stages of a crisis and supporting affected people to have access to their housing, land and property rights involves multiple sectors and actors. In addition to setting out the challenges of considering HLP issues, the Guidance Note also provides ideas on how to integrate these issues into assessments, key planning processes and possible interventions; with a focus on the following five themes:
- HLP rights in emergency contexts;
- HLP in peace processes, peacekeeping and peacebuilding;
- HLP rights in rule of law and development programming and durable solutions;
- Access to HLP rights for vulnerable groups; and
- HLP in disaster risk reduction and climate change.
- There is also a section highlighting key global funding mechanisms and corresponding entry points for HLP.