Research and Studies

Marsabit County drought early warning bulletin for December 2017

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Biophysical Indicators

Rainfall: Light showers were witnessed across the County. Rainfall received was erratic and below normal. Generally, when compared to normal seasons, cessation of the short rains was early.

Vegetation condition: Vegetation condition index for December was 37.37 henceforth an illustration of slight decline from 38.08 depicted in the previous month but was within the normal vegetation greenness band. Forage condition is good-fair across the livelihood zones.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production indicators: Livestock body condition was generally good for all the species across the County with exception of cattle in some isolated areas of Moyale sub-county. Milk production per household per day was recorded at 1.8Litres which is above normal. No Livestock mortalities attributed to drought was reported. No reported cases of livestock disease outbreak were witnessed across the County. Maize is in the tarsling stage/knee height whereas beans is in flowering/podding stage in the Agro-pastoral areas of the County.

Access indicators: Household and livestock trekking distances to water points slightly became longer across the livelihood zones when compared to the previous month. Milk consumption was within the normal ranges and Terms of trade was favourable across the livelihood zones.

Utilization indicators: Children rated ‘at risk’ of malnutrition gradually increased. Food consumption score was acceptable and Coping Strategy Index declined as households adopted less strategies to cope.

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