This Monitoring and Evaluation Framework has been developed jointly by New Zealand (MFAT) and Australia (DFAT) as part of ongoing donor efforts to improve responses to rapid onset disasters in the Pacific. The purpose of the Framework is to:
- Support DFAT and MFAT decision-making during responses
- Improve the evidence base on the impact of humanitarian response efforts
- Improve the effectiveness of future responses through identification of lessons
- Support better communication of the difference made for affected populations.
The Framework reflects and aligns the humanitarian policies and strategies of New Zealand and Australia through six Strategic Result Statements. It reflects the OECD-DAC evaluation criteria, and incorporates World Humanitarian Summit and Grand Bargain commitments, and reflects the Sphere Humanitarian Charter, its Protection Principles and the Quality Criteria of the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability. It is designed to link preparedness, response and recovery efforts.
The Framework is scalable and intended to be applied in a manner proportionate to each response. The Framework may not be fully operationalised and reported against in every response to rapid onset disasters in the Pacific. The nature and scale of each response will determine which monitoring enquiry areas and indicators are most applicable. Where appropriate, the Framework can be used to guide the design and focus of strategic humanitarian evaluations that DFAT and/or MFAT may commission.
The Framework was piloted and reviewed in 2018. It will continue to be reviewed and updated annually to ensure it remains fit for purpose.