This document represents the Final Evaluation Report for the "Mid-term evaluation of implementation of the Child Protection Strategy 2014-2020 and its Action Plan for 2016-2020 in the Republic of Moldova". The evaluation was conducted between May – November 2019.
Objectives and Purpose of the Evaluation. The main objectives of the evaluation are as follows: (i) to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and to the extent possible impact of the interventions as outlined in the Strategy and Action Plan; (ii) to identify and document lessons learned; and (iii) to provide clear recommendations on further adjustment of the activities and the monitoring and evaluation framework of the Strategy and Action Plan for the remaining period of implementation.
This is a mid-term formative evaluation that covers the first two phases of implementation: (2014-2016) and (2017-2019), which aims to improve the likelihood of achieving successful outcomes through better planned interventions and activities.
The purpose of this evaluation is to support the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection (MHLSP) in evaluation of the mid-term results and early evidence of achievements in implementing the Child Protection Strategy and its corresponding Action Plan.