Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines, Module: How to design a Results-Oriented M&E Strategy for EMOPs and PRROs

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At the planning and inception stages of emergency and recovery operations (EMOPs and PRROs) it is important to clarify the link between the overall design of the operation and its M&E strategy. This module introduces a number of useful tools and procedures to follow in order to develop the M&E strategy. The module encourages readers to ensure that the M&E Plan and Evaluation Plan are feasible in terms of both the capacity of WFP and its partners to implement them and the budget and other resources available.

This module has the following objectives: • To describe the components of an M&E strategy. • To describe how the M&E strategy for EMOPs and PRROs can be developed progressively throughout the operation. • To describe the principle function of M&E: testing the hypothesis expressed in the operation design, taking into consideration the special circumstances of EMOPs and PRROs. • Minimum monitoring information for EMOPs and PRROs. • To define Beneficiary Contact Monitoring and explain how it is used in monitoring and evaluation. • To describe the 2 general types of data - quantitative and qualitative - that can be used for M&E purposes. • To describe 2 broad categories of data - primary and secondary - and the appropriate use of each in providing information for use in the M&E of WFP operations. • To assess WFP and partners’ M&E capacities for EMOPs and PRROs and to develop a plan to address constraints. • To assign M&E roles and responsibilities to WFP, government and implementing partners in EMOPs and PRROs. • To explain how to complete an M&E plan matrix. • To describe the reporting flows relevant to M&E. • To describe the importance of providing feedback on M&E information and reports. • To prepare the M&E budget and identify sources of funding.

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