Research and Studies

Natech Risk Assessment and Management: Reducing the Risk of Natural-Hazard Impact on Hazardous Installations

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This book, which was written in collaboration with Kyoto University and Bologna University, covers the entire spectrum of issues pertinent to Natech risk assessment and management. After a thorough introduction of the topic, the authors discuss various examples of international frameworks for major accident prevention and provide a detailed view of the implementation of Natech risk management in the EU and OECD. The book includes a dedicated chapter on natural-hazard characterization and measurement from an engineering perspective, as well as consideration of the impact of climate change on Natech risk. The authors also discuss selected Natech accidents, including recent ones, and provide specific lessons learned from each, as well as an analysis of all essential elements of Natech risk assessment and a presentation of available support tools. The final section of the book is dedicated to the reduction of Natech risk, including structural and organizational prevention and mitigation measures, as well as early warning issues and emergency planning.

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