ODI and the International Growth Centre convened a side event at the 2023 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group in Marrakech, entitled ‘Navigating fragility: The new multilateral agenda’. The event was specifically focused on:
(1) raising the profile and unpacking our understanding of fragility as a global public challenge; and
(2) mapping out the ways in which multilateral development bank reform could be effectively designed to address issues of fragility.
This brief summarises key learnings from the event and highlights the points that appeared to resonate most strongly with the participants.
Written by: Abdilahi Ali, Head of State Fragility Initiative, IGC; Annelise Andersen, Head of Communications, IGC; Siddhartha Basu, Policy Economist, IGC; Hans Peter Lankes, Managing Director and Deputy Chief Executive, ODI, Senior Fellow, IGC; Kathryn Nwajiaku-Dahou, Director, Politics and Governance, ODI; Maegan Rodricks, Communications Officer (Politics and Governance), ODI.