Ground Truth Solutions has been tracking perceptions of individuals affected by the crisis in Burkina Faso since 2020, amplifying their voices and providing insight to inform decision-making related to humanitarian aid and services. In this report, we present the findings from the fourth iterative round of data collection and dialogue with both communities and humanitarian actors.
This year, we strengthened our approach by designing our survey with community members. We engaged with 48 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and members of the host community in Ouahigouya, in the north of the country. This allowed us to do two things: first, it helped us understand how relevant the suggested survey themes were for those we are listening to; and second, it helped identify additional aspects of people’s lives to be covered in our work.
Between July and August 2023, we conducted the survey using the co-designed questions, talking to over 1,300 displaced and non-displaced people in the six main regions of the humanitarian response (Sahel, Boucle du Mouhoun, CentreNord, Nord, Centre-Est, and Est) to understand their perceptions of humanitarian assistance. We then returned to Ouahigouya in October 2023 to share our survey results with those who participated in the design process. We organised a result presentation session that brought together co-design participants and humanitarian actors, creating a platform for dialogue. In the days following this session, we held individual interviews to delve deeper into the findings and gather people’s feedback on the co-design experience.