Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) has been evaluating whether people feel their views influence humanitarian decision-making in Burkina Faso for the past two years. Building on baseline data collected in 2020, we surveyed internally displaced people (IDPs) and non-displaced people across the six main regions for the humanitarian response (Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-Est, Centre-Nord, Est, Nord, and Sahel) in August 2021. The results were presented and discussed in a community setting and during one-on-one qualitative interviews in Kaya and Ouahigouya in January 2022. This report combines our quantitative survey data with the qualitative feedback and recommendations from community discussions and one-on-one qualitative interviews to explore how IDPs and non-displaced people feel about the humanitarian assistance they have received. GTS also solicited feedback from humanitarian staff via an online survey in June and July of 2021.