Guidance and Tools

Overview of the Local Government Self-Assessment Tool for Disaster Resilience

Overview of the lgsat english png

Using the Local Government Self-Assessment Tool will help to set baselines, identify gaps, plan actions and have comparable data across local governments, within the country and globally, to measure advancements over time. By using this universal tool, cities and local governments can argue for priority setting and budget allocations within the city council and with the national government. The main purpose of the Local Government Self-Assessment Tool is to: • Help local governments engage with different stakeholders to map and understand existing gaps and challenges in disaster risk reduction in their city or locality. • Set a baseline and develop status reports for cities and municipalities that have committed to the Making Cities Resilient Campaign and its Ten Essentials. • Complement information gathered through the national Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) monitoring system by providing local-level information. Cities can chose to share their results with national HFA focal points as part of the national reporting process.

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