Guidance and Tools

Participatory Environmental Management for Refugee Hosting Areas

Kno 101199 participatory environmental management for refugee hosting areas png

The sourcebook which is presented here fills a gap that had long been felt. It provides a theoretical framework, methodology and management concepts and a range of implementation examples for practicioners and planners in the field of environmental management for refugee settlements. It’s focus on participation goes beyond the ‘grassroots-approach’ of the 1980s but advocates under the term of ‘participatory systems’ a much wider understanding of interinstitutional cooperation to tackle complex emergency situations. Based on this understanding, the sourcebook provides yet another step in making development-orientied emergency aid of which refugee programmes are an important part become practical in the field.

The lessons learnt in recent years are condensed in the sourcebook: first, participation should involve all of the important stakeholders during all stages of environmental management. Second, participation can best be achieved with a mix of appropriate institutional structures, the application of sound methodologies and by the creative use of tangible benefits for all those who participate.

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