Research and Studies

Principles in Action in Lebanon

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This case study is a joint initiative of the British Red Cross, the Lebanese Red Cross (LRC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). All three organisations are members of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, a global humanitarian network that responds to armed conflicts and other emergencies. The case study is linked to two separate projects currently being carried out by the British Red Cross and the ICRC. The British Red Cross project Principles in Action promotes the role of the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in helping National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (National Societies) to access and assist people in need. By documenting how the Fundamental Principles have been used by National Societies in a range of humanitarian contexts, including armed conflicts, natural disasters and other emergencies, the project will:

> share learning within the Movement about how the Fundamental Principles have been applied in different situations > clarify the operational relevance of the Fundamental Principles in particular contexts > examine the importance of the Fundamental Principles in today’s humanitarian situations > analyse the distinctive role of the Movement in different contexts.

Based on a request made by National Societies to the ICRC at the 2009 Council of Delegates,1 the ICRC initiated a project to develop the Safer Access Framework (SAF) as a practical guide intended to support National Societies in their efforts to prepare for and respond to armed conflict, internal disturbances and tensions.2 The SAF highlights the interlinked actions that a National Society can take to increase its acceptance, access and security when working in areas affected by armed conflict, internal disturbances and tensions. Neutral, impartial and independent humanitarian action (NIIHA) forms the basis of the SAF. An essential component of the practical guide will be case studies giving current examples of good practice by National Societies. This case study on the work of the Lebanese Red Cross will be reproduced by the ICRC in 2013 as part of this practical guide.

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