Guidance and Tools

Promoting Equitable Partnerships with Local Responders in Humanitarian Settings

DG ECHO Guidance Note

The Guidance Note, "Promoting equitable partnerships with local responders in humanitarian settings", was produced by Groupe URD after a long process providing support to DG ECHO as part of the Inspire + consortium. The Guidance Note was presented during the European Humanitarian Forum and will now be widely disseminated within DG ECHO and among its partners. It was drawn up following broad consultation of DG ECHO’s international and local partners.

This guidance document seeks ways of translating the Grand Bargain commitments into concrete action, while recognising that DG ECHO has already embarked on numerous projects and programmes that support localisation, although not yet in a systematic manner. The aim is to ensure that DG ECHO has in place the appropriate policy framework, and the practical tools to implement the commitments set out above, at both headquarter and field office levels, through its advocacy, normative work and programming.

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