Why has this guide been developed?
IRC’s commitment to mainstreaming protection within its work is expressed in the organization’s ‘Program Framework’, which identifies the ‘protection and promotion of rights’ as one of five programming principles alongside participation, partnership, capacity building and holistic programming. Protecting the rights of the individuals that we serve is a collective responsibility across all sectors.
The IRC’s approach to protection mainstreaming is based upon the following principles: ¦ Non-discrimination ¦ Meaningful access to assistance and services ¦ Protection of life and safety ¦ Respect for dignity ¦ Do no harm ¦ Empowerment to assert rights ¦ Participation and consultation
This training guide provides a template to direct in-country protection staff in the development of protection mainstreaming trainings, and reduce the time they currently have to spend developing such trainings. It does not represent an ‘one-size fits all’ training; any protection-related training should always be tailored to the context in which it is delivered. It should be stressed that this training constitutes only an introduction and ‘entry point’ into protection mainstreaming.