Research and Studies

Reaching Hidden Populations with an Innovative Two-Stage Sampling Method: A Case Study from Refugee Population in Turkey

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Without a doubt, the role of Turkey within the global migration context has increased; This sudden change in the migration profile of the country resulted in a need for reliable data to shape current government policies as well as to provide humanitarian assistance to those in need.

In response to the massive population influx, the Government of Turkey has adapted existing systems to include refugees in national systems, such as identity and address registration, and provide access to basic services, such as education and health. In addition, a variety of national NGOs, INGOs, UN agencies and other international organisations are working actively to support the refugee population living in Turkey.

One such assistance programme is the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme. It is designed to help cover the basic needs of the most vulnerable individuals living outside of camps under temporary or international protection in Turkey. The ESSN provides unconditional monthly unrestricted cash transfers to beneficiary households.

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