Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Real Time Assessment number two of UNICEF's Response to COVID-19

Background: UNICEF has provided multi-sector support to 20 countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during the COVID-19 pandemic and assumed a significant role in the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) that the WHO and its partners launched in April 2020. The ACT-A aims to accelerate equitable access to and the development and production of COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines to fight the pandemic. The ACT-A has three pillars: Vaccines/COVAX, Diagnostics and Therapeutics.

Purpose, Objectives and scope: The purpose of the MENA Real Time Assessment Round 2 (RTA R2) is to leverage the experiences of selected COs and RO during the initial COVAX implementation to inform and improve future COVID-19 response activities. Methodology: The RTA R2 employed a mixed methods approach that included the collection and analysis of both primary and secondary data. Findings: relevance: UNICEF response was relevant to the needs of the population and their governments, particularly in terms of response planning, resource mobilization, supply management, and procurement, and cold chain strengthening in an efficient manner resulting to improved vaccination operations. Country Offices are played an active role in coordinating the vaccination efforts and ensuring smooth delivery. Recommendations: The assessment recommends that: 1) Continue supporting governments to decentralize vaccination sites and plan for the changes in vaccine supply, portfolio, and demand, 2) Provide additional human resources support to UNICEF COs, 3) Mobilize/allocate financial and human resources to expand direct community engagement and technical support, 4) Continue supporting governments to generate, analyze, manage, and utilize data and evidence, 5) Improve communication flows with COVAX partners and address bottlenecks in coordination mechanisms, 6) Continue supporting equitable and right-based approach programming.

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