Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Real-time evaluation of FAO’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme – Phase II Progress report

Designed in July 2020, the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme (RRP) aims to enhance coordination of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) response to the crisis and its related resource mobilization. Conceived as an “umbrella programme”, it includes a range of initiatives, projects and activities related to FAO’s response in seven priority areas ranging from humanitarian response to long-term recovery and agrifood systems transformation.

This report provides a status update of the work being carried out to assess the contributions of the RRP (Phase 2 of the real-time evaluation). The final report of the real-time evaluation will be submitted to the Programme Committee session in November 2022.

Ten country case studies are being conducted and a series of self-assessed contributions will be prepared encompassing all seven RRP priority areas. The latter will provide additional evidence on FAO's support to Members in their efforts to address the effects of the pandemic.

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