Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: tsunami recovery program, housing projects, Matara District

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The review of selected RCM tsunami housing reconstruction projects in Matara District is part of series of Mid Term Reviews (MTR) undertaken on the initiative of the Movement Task Force Sri Lanka, and executed by the SLRCS/IFRC Technical Support Service Centre in cooperation with the TEC Construction. The overall goal is to collect real time lessons learnt from the ongoing RCM tsunami recovery housing construction program and to share these within the Movement for the benefit of ongoing and future operations.

The individual project reviews aim to give concise, practical and constructive suggestions to implementing partners on how they can improve project efficiency, effectiveness, relevance and impact. The scope of the individual project reviews considers the complex history, background and external influences upon projects but does not devote substantial space to documenting the context. For those not intimately familiar with the Sri Lanka operations, there are various reports and papers (available upon request) which document the changing context for tsunami housing reconstruction.

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