Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Regional Cooperation for Flood Disaster Mitigation in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region

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The rivers of the greater Himalayan region provide both important services as well as

life-threatening hazards. In order to achieve a sustainable development, the

management of resources and risks must go hand in hand. An integrated flood

management approach within theframework of Integrated Water Resources

Management (IWRM) should be adopted, with a view to maximise the efficient use of

flood plains and minimise the loss of life and livelihoods. Regional river basins are

integrated systems the management of which require regional solutions.

While floods cannot be prevented, an integrated cross-sectoral approach to flood management is essential to prevent flood-related disasters while retaining the

floods' positive effects. Structural measures like dikes and embankments play a significant role in flood mitigation and hazard reduction. Land use planning and building codes are important non-structural measures. But the most effective way of reducing

losses is to provide people with sufficient advance warning to be able to take other preparedness and response measures. Timely and accurate flood information based on real-time hydrometerological observations across boundaries is essential to

achieve this.

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