Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Review of the IHA Programme in the SADCC Region

Angola, Malawi and Mozambique (AMM countries)

Erd 2457 summary png

The objectives of the review were to: a. Outline the context of non-food aid humanitarian assistance in Angola, Malawi and Mozambique (AMM countries); b. Identify and assess the effectiveness of IHA's responsive contributions to date, and; c. Present suggestions and options for future IHA funding.

In addition to limiting the scope of the review to the AMM countries, the review time- frame was also confined to the three most recent funding years - 1989/90 to 1991/92. Fieldwork in Africa and Geneva, Switzerland was conducted during March - early April, 1992. In addition to visits in each of three AMM countries, briefing and de- briefing was conducted with CIDA-Harare staff in Zimbabwe.

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