
Sector leaders open up on learning: Renée Olende

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At a gathering of humanitarian leaders and thinkers supporting the Pledge for Change (Pledge) in Nairobi, Kenya, Renée Olende, Executive Director, Global Advocacy, at Care International, stressed the need for time and money to improve the quality of humanitarian learning.

‘Learning has to have a consistent cadence. It’s not just a one-time moment,’ she added. ‘You need money to actually make change. Half the time you have to choose between delivering a product and a service versus learning. And that’s a challenge.’

The Pledge for Change 2030 re-imagines the role of INGOs in the global humanitarian and development aid system, pledging to build a stronger aid ecosystem based on the principles of solidarity, humility, self-determination and equality.

At the Pledge for Change meeting on 18th April, 2024, ALNAP, the global network inspiring learning for greater humanitarian impact, Adeso Africa and the Centre for Humanitarian Leadership (CHL) interviewed eight humanitarian leaders and thinkers from international and national humanitarian organisations to get key insights on the challenges around learning, localisation and decolonisation and the future of the sector.

Credits: Videography by Mint Glint Media LTD
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