Research and Studies

Somalia Drought Impact and Needs Assessment (Vol. 2): Sector Reports

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The Somalia Drought Impact and Needs Assessment (DINA), a process led by the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) in partnership with the Federal Member States (FMS), the World Bank (WB), United Nations (UN) and European Union (EU), aims to reduce the country’s vulnerability to climate shocks, strengthen resilience and significantly reduce the future risk of famine in Somalia.

Volume II of the DINA presents in depth the data collected and analyzed for each of the 18 sectors and cross-cutting themes. These sectors include agriculture (crop production, livestock and fisheries); water supply and sanitation; transport; environment, clean energy and natural resource management; health; nutrition; education; food security; urban development and municipal services; livelihoods and employment; social protection and safety nets; gender; governance; conflict; displacement; and disaster risk reduction, risk financing and drought resilience.

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