In early 2020, the Kore Lavi Strategic Objective 2 (SO2) impact evaluation was discontinued due to the COVID-19 pandemic and heightened insecurity. However, the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) seized this unique opportunity to conduct a mixed-methods study in three Kore Lavi communes in the Northwest Department and upper Artibonite Department (Bombardopolis, Mole Saint Nicolas, and Anse Rouge) where data was collected prior to the start of the pandemic. The study looks at the impacts of recent shocks (COVID-19, climatic, social-political) on poor households and the capa^cities and strategies these households have used to mitigate these events.
This study builds on the first round of data collected from 276 households surveyed in January of 2020 by conducting a second round of data collection with the same households in January and February 2021, with the addition of questions related to COVID-19, shocks, and resilience. These two studies provide a panel database of 255 households (21 households lost at follow-up).
Additionally, complementary qualitative research was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 was intended to inform hypotheses and modifications to the second round of the quantitative data collection tool. It took place in January and February of 2021 prior to the second round of quantitative data collection. Phase 2 of the qualitative research was conducted in June 2021 after the second round of quantitative data collection to further explore the impacts of COVID-19, other shocks, and resilience of poor households in the study areas. Phase 2 was also meant to better illuminate the quantitative findings.
The study has identified several findings of particular importance to understanding the current food/nutrition security and poverty situation of poor households in the study areas.